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About Me
My name is Lonwabo Phintshana, born and bred in King William's Town in the Eastern Cape. I did my high school in Bisho High School and went on to study financial Management at Tshwane North College.

Work Experience
*2021 I Worked with my Mother as short term financial lender.

Why financial management N6
I studied Financial Management because I want to become an Financial Manager but I got low marks on my maths so I couldn't be accepted at University for that specific course, however I believe the path I'm taking in finance will still get me to my desired destination. I always had love for numbers from very young especially coming from a business orientated family, so that made me fall in love with managing finances.

I got my internship from my college.

I'm very grateful for the opportunity I have to gain experiencial learning and be one step further to reaching my goal of becoming an Financial Manager.
Lonwabolwethu Phintshana | financial management N6 | 2024/07/09 12:00:00 AM

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