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About Me
My name is Thakgalelo Moela. I am from a small township at Limpopo. I completed my matric at 2016. After receiving my N6 certificate in Management Assistant, I volunteered as an office administrator at Elizabeth Matsemela S.S.

Work Experience
*As an office administrator, I honed my organizational and time management skills. I was responsible for organizational tasks necessary to keep a business running which include: Greeting visitors, and attending them during their stay, answering email and social media enquiries, type workplace documents which include letters and reports. Also maintain computer records, paper files, taking minutes during business meeting, etc.

Why Management Assistant
Because I enjoy helping and communicating with people on different levels and being responsible for the planning and organisational duties involved in maintaining a business, which is the role of Management Assistant. And, it has lots of work opportunities.

Immediately when I completed my N6, I received an email from Outex to create a profile and I followed up until I got to a point where I registered. Then months later, I was reminded to attach my documents, did just that and was called for an Interview at King Price Insurance a week later which became successful.

King Price Insurance is a South African based, privately held insurance company that offers short term insurance. The company is best known for its monthly decreasing car insurance premium model. It is a fun place to work at with friendly people and energic.... they work hard and play hard. The Company also has creative ways of announcing special events within the company. The environment and the people and management are just so great, co-workers are also always eager to assist. And, culture is very relaxed.
Thakgalelo Moela | Management Assistant | 2019/11/22 12:00:00 AM

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