My name is Alenda Tibane, I completed my matric at John Ross College in 2015 and then further completed my N6 Financial Management Course at the PE TVET College in 2019. I am someone who always sets his targets and obtain them.
Work Experience
*In 2019 I did some promo work for a company named Tradeway.
In 2021 I started working at a call center as a Debt Collection Agent.
Why N6 Financial Management
I Chose Financial Management because one day I would like to own my own business and I need the Financial background so that I can keep all my Finances in order.
A friend of mine who was also part of this company made referrals for me and I followed up and initially got the internship
The company that I am working for now, has given me an opportunity to further my knowledge on what I actually studied for, I have been using the opportunity to learn as much as I can and I have been enjoying my workplace so far.